Software-QS-Tag 2022 – We are back!

After a two-year break, we are pleased to announce that a Software-QS-Tag will be held again in 2022.

The focus theme in 2022 is "Reinventing Quality"

The digitization of products and services has accelerated once again. The dependence on smoothly functioning software has increased dramatically. Working in virtual teams and home offices, with new collaboration tools every day, has forced us to question and adapt our ways of working.

All these points influence and change what we understand by "software quality", which quality criteria are relevant and how we must therefore proceed in software testing and software quality assurance in practice.

Now it's your turn: Share your experiences with the QS community and report on your approaches to solutions or tips on how to overcome these challenges!

We are looking forward to field reports, tutorials, workshops and new, practice-relevant research results from software QA, software testing, Agile development and methodological, social and personal skills.

Submit your Software-QS-Tag paper by May 1, 2022 and be a part of the largest and leading conference in Germany on software quality and testing!

For more information click here!

We look forward to you and your submissions!

Submit paper now!

Software QA Day 2022: Become a speaker now!