Free introduction with a compact overview of the TestBench and the topic "Automating tests properly".
Language: German

We cordially invite you to actively shape the Software-QS-Tag 2024 with your contribution. Submit your paper by May 6!

This webinar takes place from 10:00 to 11:00 and provides the most important information on Penetration tests.
Language: German

In this webinar, we answer the 5 most important questions about outsourcing in connection with software quality assurance.
Language: German

Free introduction with a compact overview of the TestBench and the topic "test management and test design".
Language: German

Free introduction with a compact overview of the TestBench and the topic "Automating tests properly".
Language: German

The webinar "Digital Accessibility" will take place at 10 am and will provide the most important information on the topic.
Language: German

This webinar takes place from 10:00 to 11:00 and provides the most important information on Penetration tests.
Language: German

Free introduction with a compact overview of the TestBench Enterprise and the topic "test management and test design".
Language: German

Free introduction with a compact overview of the TestBench Enterprise and the topic "Automating tests properly".
Language: German